Have you ever tasted gold? Yes, you read it right! Many delicious dishes are made around the world in which edible gold is used. Although it is so expensive tasting it is not everyone's cup of tea. But it is interesting to know about it. Let's take a look at 6 such luxurious and very expensive dishes of the world that have a tadka of gold:

This fried rice available in "The Golden Shell" restaurant in Thailand tastes like royal food. Edible gold is used in it along with lobster, crab, and mushroom. Its price is around 50 thousand rupees.

This sushi available in the "Sushi Yasuda" restaurant in Japan is not only delicious to eat but is also very beautiful to look at. In this, a beautiful sakura flower made of gold leaves is decorated with fresh seafood. Its price is around 70 thousand rupees.

This coffee available in Vietnam's "Gainesville L'Epee" hotel gives a luxury filling. The most expensive coffee "Keopi Luwak" is used in it, which is extracted from the feces of an animal called Asian Palm Martens. Also, this coffee is coated with gold. Its one cup costs around Rs 1 lakh.

This pizza available in Italy's "Renato Viola" restaurant is the most expensive. It uses lobster, caviar, and the precious cognac Louis XIII. But, the real splendor is the 24-carat gold layer on top of it. Its price is around Rs 2.5 lakh.

The rare Wagyu beef found in Japan's Miyazaki city is considered to be the world's most delicious and expensive beef. In "Restaurant Resorts World Sentosa", this meat is served wrapped in 24 carat gold leaves. Its price is around Rs 4 lakh.

This ice cream at New York City's "Serendipity 3" restaurant tastes like a royal meal. It has ice cream made from 28 types of cocoa, sweet chutney, truffle chocolate, and a 23-carat gold piece on top. Its price? About Rs 20.75 lakh.

(PC: Zee news)