In the changing times or rather in the era of social media, emojis are popular as messengers for words (Social Media Emoji). Whether it is Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or Twitter, everywhere people express their feelings through emojis. But every time the question arises whether people share emojis according to their feelings, or try to hide something behind them. One such study has been done by researchers from Japan (Study Revealed Real Meaning Of Smiley).

Indeed, as people begin to create more social interactions online, researchers are investigating how emojis are used to represent emotion in different contexts. Are there display rules that apply to emojis and how do they affect people's interests?

So many people were involved in the research, this thing came to the fore
Moyu Liu of the University examined this question in a study published in Frontiers in Psychology, and he said that 'I realized that this can make us lose touch with our real emotions'. For this research, Liu included 1,289 participants. All of these people are users of Simeji, the most downloaded emoji keyboard in Japan. The purpose of including them in the study was to see how these people use emojis to hide or express emotion.

Something else to show the inner emotion something else
In a previous study, it was found that people used emoji to correspond to facial expressions, but there was no correlation between expressed and experienced emotions. This is when performance rules are problematic. If the dissonance between the emotion to be experienced and the emotion to be expressed is too great, then it develops into emotion strain. However, people from different cultures may have different experiences.

It is better to express emotion
Display forms have a greater impact on negative emotions, which are considered less important to express. Also it is more acceptable to express feelings to someone close to you.

Liu found that people are more likely to express more emotion with emoji in personal situations or with close friends. At the same time, with some people, they hide their emotions and share smiley emoji.

Apart from this, people use negative emoji only where negative feelings are felt very strongly. However, it may be more correct for a person to share it with emoji than to hide the emotion. In such a situation, as we are coming in more contact online, we have started suppressing our emotions, which is not right at all.