We often like to eat eggs with breakfast or a second meal, it is considered a superfood. You must have heard that slogan, 'Sunday or Monday, eat eggs every day'. It has been popular for the past several decades, but how many eggs should be eaten daily, and what disadvantages can be faced if we consume more? Ayushi Yadav, a famous dietician working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida told us about the daily limit of eating eggs.

Nutrients found in eggs
An egg is considered a superfood, it is very beneficial for our health. That's why most health experts recommend eating it daily. Protein, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and healthy fat are found in them. Despite having so many nutrients, care should be taken in eating it.

How many eggs should be eaten in a day?
If a healthy adult eats one egg daily, then it is enough for him, but a lot also depends on your lifestyle. If you do not have any disease then 3 eggs can also be eaten. People who do heavy exercises need more protein, in this case, they can increase the number of eggs.

Disadvantages of eating too many eggs
1. Diarrhea

It is said that excess of anything is not right. This is also true in the case of eggs. You must eat eggs but keep their quantity limited, otherwise, your body can be harmed. Eating too much egg can cause diarrhea. After this disease, our body becomes very weak, so control your eating and drinking habits.

2. Constipation
Eating eggs in excess has a direct effect on our digestive system, which can cause constipation. In some cases, the fear of flatulence, burning sensation in the stomach, and gas problems remain.

3. Cholesterol
Healthy fat is found in the yellow part of the egg, which is called the yolk, although it is not as harmful as saturated fat, people who are already struggling with the problem of high cholesterol should eat fewer eggs.