Breakfast in the morning is very important to stay healthy. Doctors also say that one should never leave the house on an empty stomach. Breakfast should be such that after eating, both your mind and stomach are filled. But, many times it is seen that due to busy lifestyle people are not able to cook breakfast. Even if they make it, they cook and eat it in a hurry. The mind also starts getting bored by eating the same type of breakfast every day.

In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about such a dish, which you can make in just 10 minutes. The breakfast we are talking about is Spicy French Toast. It is very tasty to eat. You can make it as crispy as you like. If you serve it with ketchup and mint chutney then everyone will praise you after eating it.

Ingredients needed to make Spicy French Toast
Bread slices - 4
2 eggs
6 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp salt
1 small tomato
1 small onion
2-3 green chilies
Oil/butter for frying
1/2 tsp red chili powder
1/4 tsp black pepper powder

If you are looking for breakfast dishes that are tasty to eat and quick to make, then Spicy French Toast is a great option. To make this, first finely chop the green chilies and tomatoes.

Now after this cut the bread into two parts and keep it. After this, break the eggs in a vessel and pour them. Now add red chili, salt, milk, and black pepper to it and whisk it well. Till then put butter in a pan and heat it.

Now dip the slices of bread in the egg and keep them on the pan to bake. When they get hot from both sides, take them out on a plate. Similarly, prepare the rest of the toasts as well. After this, put chopped vegetables on top and decorate it.

(PC: Freepik)