Today is Navami and tomorrow the whole country will celebrate the festival of Dussehra with great pomp. Ravana is burnt on this day. Ramlila is being organized at different places, and after this Ravana Dahan takes place tomorrow i.e. on the day of Dussehra. To see this, people go with their friends, family, partner or alone. At the same time, some people take their children to see the Dussehra fair. But don't forget that there is a lot of crowd at this fair. Therefore, especially if you are going to the Dussehra fair with children, then you must keep some things in mind. So let us know what things should be kept in mind while going to the Dussehra fair. You can know about it in the next slides...

Take care of children like this during the Dussehra Fair-
Number 1

Try not to take your small children to the fair and if you are taking them along, then keep them with you by holding their hand and do not leave them alone. Children start running here and there as soon as they see the fair, but you have to keep them with you. Otherwise, they may get lost.

Number 2
Children should be fed as little as possible from outside during the Dussehra fair. You can also follow this thing because little to no attention is paid to hygiene and food quality here. In such a situation, children's stomachs or health may also get spoiled. Therefore, do not feed them from outside, or at least feed them minimally.

Number 3
Before leaving the house, you can write down your mobile number and put it in your child's pocket or stick a paper with the number written on it in their clothes. This will mean that if the child gets lost in the fair, the person who finds him can call and inform you.

Keep these things in mind also:-
Apart from children, you have to take special care of your purse and mobile, because pockets can also be cut here.
Women should not go to the fair wearing jewelry
Be careful about the money you keep in your pocket, otherwise, your pocket may get damaged due to your carelessness.
Stay away from the place where Ravana is burning and do not even by mistake go to collect wood while Ravana is burning, because many times many accidents happen during this time etc.

(PC: iStock)