Many farmers in the country have to spend a lot of money on cultivating paddy. The pace at which wages are getting expensive today also increases the cost of transplanting paddy. Paddy cultivation includes things like preparing a nursery, transplanting, etc. These cost a lot. After working so hard, the profit after selling the paddy crop is very low. At the same time, do you know that you can save a lot of money by cultivating paddy with the direct sowing method (DSR)? By cultivating paddy with the DSR method, you will get more profit at less cost. Apart from this, you will also be able to prepare a good yield with less water. In this episode, let us know about it in detail -

There is no need to prepare a nursery or transplant in the DSR method. In this, paddy seeds are sown 20 to 30 days before transplantation. After irrigating the field using a laser leveler, seeds are sown with the help of a seed drill or lucky seeder machine.

During this time, special care has to be taken of the seeds. The first irrigation is done after 21 days of sowing. After this, 14-17 more rounds are done at an interval of 7-10 days, which depends on the monsoon rain and soil quality. At the same time, the last irrigation is done 10 days before harvesting.

Advantages of farming with DSR method

Farming with this method saves a lot of your hard work.

The crop is sown in less time.

The crop is ready 7 to 10 days earlier.

Ploughing and sowing cost less.

Water consumption is less in farming with the DSR method.

Fuel consumption is also less in farming with this method.

(PC: Freepik)