Cocoa and cacao powder are almost similar but they are not the same. Both of them are made from cacao beans but there is a lot of difference between the two in terms of processing, taste and nutritional value. Their processing is also different from each other. Both cocoa and cacao come from the Theobroma cacao tree. The plant produces large pod-like fruits. Each fruit contains about 20-60 pods surrounded by sticky pulp. Cocoa powder is made by grinding these beans. When these two are made from the same plant, then what is the difference between the two?

Dietician Riddhima Batra has shared information about this from her Instagram account. Riddhima Batra is a Certified Diabetes Educator, Sports Nutritionist Specialist and Founder of Nutrition Defined.

Cocoa vs Cacao - Processing

Cacao beans are processed at low temperatures and are considered raw. After being powdered, they contain a large amount of enzymes, minerals and other nutrients whereas cocoa is made when beans are processed at very high temperatures. The beans are not only fermented but also roasted while cacao powder only undergoes fermentation. Simply put, making cocoa powder involves processing, roasting and fermenting beans at high temperatures. But for cacao powder, only fermentation and processing at low temperature is involved.

Cocoa vs Cacao - Taste and Nutritional Value

The taste of cacao is bitterer than cocoa but it has more nutrition and it is more natural. Cocoa is acidic in taste. If cocoa is compared to cacao, the nutritional value of cocoa is less because it is heated more. Due to heating, the nutrients present in it are reduced.

Cocoa vs Cacao - Properties

Cacao is more beneficial than cocoa. More properties are found in it because it is less processed. It contains many vitamins and minerals including magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. It is believed to be good for lowering blood sugar, improving memory and increasing energy. On the other hand, if we talk about cocoa, then it is cheaper and sweeter than cacao. It is good for baking. Due to the high sweetness in it, it is not very good for health.

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