In this era of smartphones, more than half of people's time is spent on the screen. Be it children, old or young, everyone remains glued to their mobile phone for hours. Some people use mobile phones till late at night.

If you also do this then be careful, because it can ruin your health. You may become vulnerable to many serious diseases. Let us know what harm can be caused to you by using your mobile phone till late at night.

Damage to eyes

This causes the most damage to the eyes. The light emitted from the phone affects the retina. The retina shrinks and due to this vision becomes weak.

Due to this, there is also a problem of dryness in the eyes, our tear glands are not able to produce tears to lubricate the eyes adequately, in such a situation the dirt from the eyes is not cleaned due to which there is a problem of irritation and heaviness in the eyes.

Anxiety and stress

People who use mobile phones till late at night are not able to get enough sleep, due to which their entire day is wasted and filled with laziness. There is no interest in work, and as a result, people become victims of anxiety and stress.


Using the phone till late at night causes insomnia. The blue light emitted from the phone affects the secretion of the melatonin hormone, which causes the problem of sleeplessness.


People who use their phones till late at night become victims of obesity. Often staying awake till late at night makes one feel hungrier. During this time we keep eating something unhealthy. Due to this, your weight can increase rapidly. At the same time, due to lack of sleep, they become victims of diseases like an increase in blood pressure and sugar levels.

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