The first happiness of a man is his healthy body. If a person does not have any kind of disease, then he can lead a happier and more prosperous life. Usually, this requires attention to diet. Sometimes being overweight or having problems like high BP and diabetes, the health condition can be controlled by changing the diet.

Generally, people follow different types of diets to improve their health conditions. But still, they do not get any results. In such a situation, they feel that no diet works on their body. Due to this, they get very disappointed. However, you need to be worried. There are many reasons why diets don't work for you. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such reasons-


When you follow a diet, special attention is paid to the calorie count. But many times we follow that diet but overeat it. For example, if you have one paratha for breakfast in your diet and you eat two or three parathas instead of it, then you do not get any benefit from that diet.

Break the diet

When you are on a diet, then your body is working in a way. But when you take a break in between, then it does not give that effect on your body, which should be available. In such a situation, if you are following a diet, then try to follow it properly.

Switching diets frequently

Some people want to get results as soon as possible while following the diet. But when they do not see the difference in a week, they immediately switch to another diet. But by switching diets in this way, they do not get any benefit from any diet. In such a situation, they feel that any kind of diet does not work on their body whereas due to frequent diet switching, it does not affect your body.

Not understanding the concept of diet

By following any diet, you get benefits only when you understand its real concept. Often we follow diets, but do not try to understand their basics. For example, if you are doing intermittent fasting, you don't just have to fast for eight or ten hours, but you have to take your first meal at a fixed time every day. Some people sometimes have breakfast at 7 o'clock and sometimes at 9 o'clock and then they feel that intermittent fasting is not made for them.

Start a diet on your own

Usually, by changing our diet, we customize it and start eating it while it should not be done. It is possible that while making your diet, you do not miss many important nutrients or include some such food ingredient in it, which is not good for you. In such a situation, you will not get results and you will feel that no diet has any effect on your body. Therefore, the best solution is to consult a good dietician and follow the diet under his guidance. Believe me; you will soon see the effect of this.

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