In today's time, people are very busy. They don't even have enough time to eat properly. There are very few such people, so take time out of your busy schedule to take care of yourself. Most of the rest of the people include healthy things but unhealthy things in their diet. Even though he starts feeling weak due to fatigue, he prefers quick-cooking food.

This includes processed food, packaged foods, ready to eat foods. Eating these fills the stomach but you cannot remain healthy by eating them. By eating all these things, your body becomes hollow inside. In such a situation, you need to include some healthy things in your lifestyle. In today's article, we are going to tell you about this.

Include fruits in food
No matter how busy you are, always include fruits in your diet. Seasonal fruits provide energy to your body. Instead of eating fried food in snacks, start eating fruits.

Green vegetables
Try to make a green vegetable with food. Your body gets a lot of energy by consuming it. Do not eat vegetables after cooking them too much, so that maximum nutrients can be obtained.

Bajra and Jowar
In the summer season, you can also include rotis, foods made of whole grains like ragi, jowar, and millet in your diet. There is no problem in eating it in any way.

Do eat lentils in your food during the day. The protein found in lentils is very healthy for the eyes. It also comes to life in the body.

Dry fruit
Must eat 3-4 almonds and 1-2 walnuts soaked in water every day. Eating almonds keeps cholesterol levels under control, while walnuts improve brain function.

(PC: Freepik)