Good morning is very important for a good day. Eating in the morning has a great impact on our day and health. But this does not mean at all that by taking a healthy diet only in the morning, anything can be eaten throughout the day. Often people start the day on a healthy note and follow a healthy diet throughout the day, but by evening or night, things get worse. If you also feel more hungry at night and to calm your hunger, you sit by overeating, then this article is especially for you.

In today's article, let us know from the experts how can we avoid overeating at night. This information has been taken from the Instagram account of Dietician Radhika Goyal.

Plan your meals

When our stomach does not fill properly during the day, then we feel more hungry during the night and then we sit by overeating. To avoid this, we must plan our meals properly. Plan your meals according to your diet. Your breakfast and lunch should be such that your stomach is full, you do not feel like eating snacks and do not feel too hungry by the evening. When we eat snacks instead of meals, it does not fill our stomachs and the calorie count also increases completely.

Have breakfast

In our busy lives, we often skip breakfast. At the same time, some people do not have breakfast even for weight loss. Both these things are wrong. Breakfast gives us energy for the whole day. When we skip breakfast or lunch when we are hungry, we may feel that we are reducing our calorie intake, but as the night progresses, we tend to overeat.

Include protein and fibre in your plate

Many people have questioned that even after eating the whole day, we feel hungrier at night and then we end up overeating why? There is a very simple reason behind this which is very important to understand. In order not to feel hungry at night, you must eat food rich in protein and fibre during the day. By eating such food, your stomach will feel full and there will be no cravings for some food during the night.

Have a good sleep

The thing relating to our health that we ignore the most is our sleep. Sleep affects our hunger and stress hormones to a great extent. When our sleep is not complete and we are under stress, then we are not able to take the right decisions. In such a situation, we make the wrong choice of things related to food and drink and eat anything at any time. Especially, this is a big reason for overeating during the night.

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