Today's life is quite rushed and full of stress. Due to this people in life have to face many health problems. In this, people are troubled by the most high BP, diabetes disease nowadays. The problem of high blood pressure is such that it becomes very difficult to control it. People do not know what measures do not know to control high BP. It is also called a problem of hypertension.

In today's time, most people are getting upset with this. Due to this, people's health is particularly affected. Most people take medicines from the doctor to control it. Many times you can control hypertension or high blood pressure with the help of medicines. But there is another way that can relieve the problem of high BP, and that is yoga. Yes, you can keep yourself healthy by doing this ancient practice. With the help of some physical postures, controlled breathing, and meditation, you can reduce blood pressure. Let's know how to do yoga ...

1. Do Bhujangasana
The problem of hypertension can be reduced by daily practice of this asana. To do Bhujangasana, you first lie down on your stomach. After this, raise the body up from the top of the stomach. Now close your pelvic part on the ground. By doing this yoga, your blood circulation is better. Also, stress decreases.

2. Shavasan
By doing Shavasan in all yoga postures, the body gets a lot of relaxation. This is a resting posture, it makes the body free from stress. To do Shavasan, you lie down on your back. After this, keep your hands next to your hands and spread the feet lightly. Now give your body relaxed. Stay in this posture for some time. This will make you feel that stress is getting away. Also, blood pressure is stable.

3. Dhanurasan
Practicing this asana will give you relief from high blood pressure. To do Dhanurasan, you have to lie on your stomach. Then bend your knees. After this, hold the toes of the feet with your hands and stay in this posture for some time. By practicing this yoga, your muscles, and bones are flexible and strong. Also, your back and back pain will be correct. This asana plays an important role in blood pressure regulation.

(PC: Freepik)