Diabetes is a problem affecting a large population around the world, the risk of which is being seen in people of all ages. Health experts say, apart from genetics and metabolic problems, its risk is also seen increasing due to lifestyle and dietary irregularities. If someone in your family has already had this disease, then you need to be even more cautious.

Doctors say, to keep blood sugar levels under control, you must pay special attention to your diet. It is most important to know what diabetic patients should eat and what they should not. Let us know which fruits should people with diabetes eat and which should not. Consumption of high-sugar items can lead to the risk of increasing blood sugar.

Which fruits should not be eaten in diabetes?

In diabetes, one should keep a distance from those fruits and foods that have a high glycemic index.

Fruits are considered very good for our health because they contain high amounts of fiber and other nutrients. But some fruits also contain high amounts of natural sugar, which can also cause a risk of rapid increase in sugar levels. For example, a normal size mango can contain up to 46 grams of natural sugar. To keep your weight under control and keep the sugar level under control, excessive consumption of mango should be avoided.

These fruits can also be harmful

Just like mango, excessive consumption of fruits like grapes and cherries can also cause a risk of increasing sugar levels. One cup of grapes contains about 23 grams of sugar.

Similarly, eating cherries can also cause a risk of increasing sugar levels. One cup of it contains 18 grams of sugar. Watermelon, a favorite of people in summer, can also be the reason for a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Beneficial fruits for diabetics

Diabetes patients should always choose fruits that have low sugar levels and glycemic index. Eating avocado can be a better option for you. A normal-sized avocado contains only 1.33 grams of sugar. Studies have found that people who consume this fruit regularly not only keep their sugar level under control, but it can also provide special benefits to heart health.

Eating these fruits is also a good option

Apart from avocado, other fruits that are considered beneficial for diabetics include guava and papaya. Guava contains about 5 grams of sugar and about 3 grams of fiber.

Eating guava can be beneficial for diabetics in many ways. Similarly, you can also get health benefits by including papaya in the diet. It contains fiber as well as an enzyme called papain present in papaya has also been found to protect against many types of chronic diseases.