If you are a diabetic patient, then you must be aware of how important it is to control your blood sugar level from morning to night. For this, you have to take care of your diet and lifestyle throughout the day. How much food should be eaten, at what time it should be eaten, what to eat, when to exercise and less rest, all these things have to be followed routinely. Let us know that if diabetic patients have to maintain the level of glucose, then which 5 habits have to be adopted?

Diabetes patients should walk daily in the morning and evening, this is important because physical activities are maintained and weight does not increase much. If you are not able to take out time for a walk separately, then walk for the work of daily life like going to an office, going to the market, going to a neighbor, etc.

Fiber is no less than a boon for diabetic patients, it keeps the stomach full for a long time and there is no need to eat again and again, in such a situation it becomes easy to maintain the blood sugar level.

Drink fresh fruit juice daily at home, it keeps your health good. Never drink packed juice as it may contain added sugar, due to which the blood sugar level may increase.

Many people have the habit of going to bed immediately after dinner, this can increase their blood sugar level, it is better to walk for 10 to 15 minutes before sleeping.

Some people often do not take care of whether they are drinking the right amount of water or not, if you drink water at regular intervals then there is no bad effect on your health, so always keep yourself hydrated.