Are you looking for something that, apart from keeping your skin looking young, will also help prevent diseases? Then this green leafy vegetable may be perfect for you. Yes, we are talking about water hyacinth, also known as watercress.

It is used in salads, soups and stews. But do you know that apart from enhancing the taste of food, this nutrient-rich vegetable keeps many health-related problems away from you? Also, its use brings a glow to the face and strength to the hair.

Nutritionist Lavneet Batra is telling us about its benefits. She says, “You often throw away the hyacinth thinking it is useless. But, this green leafy vegetable is packed with powerful nutrients. It also contains calcium, folate, manganese, protein, thiamin, iron, sodium, magnesium, and vitamins E and A.

Improve digestion

If you are troubled by stomach-related problems like constipation and acidity, then include fibre-rich water hyacinth in the diet. Additionally, watercress is also a good source of vitamin B6, vitamin B1 and folic acid, which are known to be good for gut health.

Treatment of diabetes

Water hyacinth contains a glycosylated compound called gluconastortin, which is used to treat diabetes. It is an endocrine chronic disease, which occurs due to increased blood sugar levels in the body.

Keeps the heart healthy

Water hyacinth contains anti-oxidants beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein, which not only protect against the risk of heart disease but also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Watercress also contains dietary nitrates, which help reduce inflammation. Also, keep your blood vessels healthy. In addition, water hyacinth contains potassium which is essential for heart health. Potassium keeps the heartbeat normal and helps in reducing high blood pressure.

Bones stay strong

Water hyacinth is the best source of calcium, potassium, vitamin K and magnesium, which are essential for bone health. Vitamin K activates another protein called osteocalcin, which builds bone tissue. Also, it strengthens the bones and keeps the level of calcium in the blood under control.

Cancer prevention

Phytochemicals are present in high quantities in water hyacinth. Many types of cancer can be kept away from yourself by its use. Like other cruciferous vegetables, watercress contains isothiocyanates. It contains chemicals that protect healthy cells from damage and prevent the spread of tumours by neutralizing cancer-causing chemicals. This prevents cancer.

Energy in the body

Hyacinth contains carbohydrates, from which the body gets energy. It gives you freshness and energy for day-to-day activities.

Hair is strong

Potassium, Vitamin-A and Vitamin C found in Hyacinth make your hair healthy and strong. In addition, its nutrients make hair thicker, longer and shinier. You can enhance the beauty of your hair by consuming water hyacinth regularly.

The glow comes on the skin

Vitamins and minerals are present in water hyacinth, which is low in calories and high in fibre. It contains dietary nitrates, which reduce inflammation in blood vessels. With this, skin-related problems can be removed.

Vitamin-A and C present in it protect the skin from oxidative damage. This makes the skin appear healthy. Apart from this, collagen starts decreasing with increasing age, due to which wrinkles start appearing in the skin and the skin starts becoming loose. In such a situation, the production of collagen can be increased by consuming water hyacinth.

You can also get all these benefits by including it in your diet

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