Diabetes is a rapidly increasing serious disease globally, and people of all ages can be at risk. Till a few decades ago, diabetes was known to be a disease associated with aging, however, with the increase in lifestyle and dietary disturbances, this chronic disease is being diagnosed even in younger people.

Health experts say that increased blood sugar levels can have negative effects on many organs of the body, hence all people need to remain alert to prevent diabetes.

Researchers said, that in recent years, the risk of diabetes has been increasing in children also. Children are mainly at risk of type-1 diabetes, but some children are also found to be suffering from type-2 diabetes. The problem of diabetes at a young age can increase many types of complications and also affect the quality of life.

Type 1 diabetes cases are highest in children
Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children and young adults. It is an autoimmune disease, where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. As a result, our body is unable to produce insulin – the hormone responsible for controlling blood sugar levels.

In most cases of type-1 diabetes, the patient may need to take insulin throughout his life. Type-2 diabetes is mainly seen in adults, although children can also become its victims.

It is very important to recognize the symptoms of diabetes in children and treat it in time.

Increased hunger and thirst
Health experts say that the symptoms of diabetes can be similar in both children and adults. Increased hunger and thirst can be a sign of this. Note: If your child feels excessive hunger or thirst, despite increased appetite the child is losing weight, then it can be a sign of diabetes. Like adults, there is a need to pay serious attention to such signs in children and seek medical advice in time.

Frequent urination
Feeling more frequent urination is considered a sign of many types of health problems, but if the problem of frequent urination is felt along with excessive thirst, then it can be a sign of diabetes. Be sure to pay attention to such symptoms in the child. Sometimes the signs of type-1 diabetes are not very obvious, so by paying attention to these symptoms, you can reduce the risk of serious complications.

Pay attention to these symptoms also
Doctors say that due to diabetes, many types of complications can occur in the body, hence efforts must be made to prevent it from an early age.
Children suffering from diabetes may feel tired and lethargic even after getting adequate rest.
Due to increased blood sugar, you may experience blurred vision or difficulty concentrating.
Wounds, cuts, or bruises taking longer than usual to heal can also be a sign of diabetes.
Having frequent infections, especially in the gums or urinary tract, is a sign that you may be suffering from diabetes.
Health experts say, that if any such problem persists in you or your child for some time, then definitely consult a specialist in time to get the condition diagnosed and treated.

(PC: Freepik)