Lemon, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, is a delicious and healthy fruit. It is often used to enhance the taste of food and to add to tea. But do you know that consuming lemon with some things can be harmful to your health?

According to Ayurveda, mixing lemon with some food items is considered 'buddha aahaar', which can disrupt the digestive system and lead to many health problems. Let us know which 4 things should not be consumed with lemon.

1. Milk

Consuming lemon with milk can cause problems like gas, indigestion, and diarrhea in the stomach. This happens because the acidic element of lemon breaks down the protein of milk, causing disturbances in digestion.

2. Curd

Consuming lemon with curd is also harmful to the stomach. The acid of lemon destroys the good bacteria present in curd, which weakens the digestive system and can increase acidity.

3. Fish
Consuming lemon with fish reduces the nutrition of fish. Lemon acid hinders the digestion of the protein present in the fish, due to which the body is unable to get the essential nutrients from the fish.

4. Egg
Consuming lemon with eggs can cause heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. Lemon acid makes it difficult to digest the protein present in the egg, which can cause stomach upset.

Apart from these foods, excessive consumption of lemon can cause problems like heartburn, acidity, and mouth ulcers. Therefore, consume lemon in balanced quantities and avoid consuming it completely with these foods. Also keep in mind that if you have any health problems, consult a doctor before consuming lemon.

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