The best time to give the right kind of nutrition to your body is in the morning. In such a situation, you need to eat a balanced diet that contains the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber, and foods that are not starchy, which can provide your body with the best possible start. Although our liver makes extra glucose in the morning to fuel the body for the day, people with diabetes may also see a rise in blood sugar levels during this time. In some cases, this may result in hyperglycemia.

If you feel thirsty in the morning, urinate frequently, or have blurred vision, then you have high blood sugar in the morning. Because of the increased risk of blood sugar fluctuations, people with type 1 diabetes experience it more frequently. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such foods, which you consume for breakfast so that the level of diabetes in your body is maintained, so let's know (diabetes-friendly foods) diabetes-friendly foods.....

Ghee and powdered turmeric
If your blood sugar levels are normal, you can count on this powerful combo to lower them dramatically. If your sugar readings are normal, then the best thing to eat first thing in the morning is 1 teaspoon of cow ghee mixed with turmeric powder.

Alkaline beverages
One can also choose to consume 100 ml of water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, 30 ml of amla juice, or 100 ml of lemon juice to maintain the alkalinity of their body, which aids in better healing.

Flavored water
Cinnamon is a spice that mimics the blood sugar-lowering effects of insulin. Making a herbal tea with cinnamon powder will help you control your blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Fenugreek water
This is an additional treat that will help you reduce your daily intake of carbs. Therefore, soaking 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight, chewing the seeds, and eating them can help control diabetes.

Protein snack
If you experience hypoglycemia or low blood sugar during the day, you can opt for a modest protein snack in the morning such as soaked almonds, walnuts, or fruit with nut butter. Drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach in the morning may not be the best option. Instead, pair it with a protein snack like Moong Khakhra or Moong Jor Hot and Soaked Sprouts.