Diabetes is a metabolic disease which gradually dries up the body of a person. Weakness starts increasing in the body and many types of symptoms start appearing in the body. Excessive hunger and thirst, weight loss, excessive urine discharge, blurred vision, slow wound healing and extreme tiredness are signs of high blood sugar.

Diabetes patients should take care of their diet to control blood sugar. Take special care of edible oil in the diet as well. Along with increasing blood sugar, edible oil increases weight and also causes many other diseases. Diabetes patients are more at risk of heart disease, so sugar patients should consume cooking oil very carefully.

Vegetable ghee like dalda and ratha increases the risk for heart health. Consumption of these oils increases cholesterol and problems with blood sugar in patients start increasing. According to Dr BK Rai, Diabetes and Thyroid Specialist, at Apollo Hospital Greater Noida, diabetic patients should consume cooking oil very carefully so that blood sugar is under control. Let us know which oils control blood sugar and which cooking oils should be avoided.

These oils are poison for diabetic patients: (Diabetes patients should avoid these oils)
According to the American Diabetes Association, a diabetic patient should consume monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat as compared to trans fat and saturated fat. Diabetes patients should avoid consuming such cooking oil in which PUFA is present more. PUFA oil is bad oil for health. Avoid consuming soya oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil and cotton seed oil.

These oils take out the good cholesterol from the body. The amount of PUFA in all these oils is high, so diabetic patients should avoid these oils. Diabetes patients should not consume refined oil even by mistake.

Which oils can be consumed by diabetic patients: (diabetic patients Which oils can be consumed)
Diabetic patients should consume olive oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil, groundnut oil and coconut oil to control blood sugar and prevent heart diseases. These oils burn fat naturally and control appetite. Rice oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which are best for diabetes patients.

Sesame oil is rich in vitamin E and other antioxidant properties which take care of the heart as well as skin and hair. Olive oil helps in improving insulin resistance. Its anti-inflammatory properties remove the swelling of the body. Diabetes patients can consume these oils.