Diabetes is a very complex lifestyle disease, once it makes someone its victim, it does not leave behind for life, because scientists all over the world have not been able to find its cure till now. That's why it is better to prevent diabetes before it occurs. Usually, this disease is caused by our wrong eating habits and lifestyle errors. That's why it is better to be alert in time. It has been proved in many research that due to a lack of magnesium, the risk of diabetes increases.

Do not allow magnesium deficiency in the body
Along with other nutrients, magnesium is also needed to keep our body healthy, so there should not be any deficiency in the body. Let us know how magnesium deficiency can affect health.

Why magnesium is important
Magnesium is an important mineral that plays an important role in many chemical reactions inside our body, which helps in keeping the body healthy. It is equally important for mental health.

Risk of diabetes
Famous dietician Ayushi Yadav, working at GIMS Hospital in Greater Noida, told that magnesium helps in maintaining our blood sugar level, its deficiency can increase the risk of diabetes, besides heart disease, weakness, fatigue, Problems like muscle tension, weak body can arise.

Get magnesium by eating these foods
-Dark chocolate
-Green leafy vegetables

-Fatty fish
-Whole Grain