Diabetes is a disease that currently has no cure, so controlling it is the only way. Diabetes has become a dangerous disease for the younger generation as compared to the elders. If this disease is not taken care of for years, then there can be many serious complications in the body. In diabetes, people have to control their blood sugar levels. In such a situation, they need to take care of their diet and keep their body active. Blood sugar can be easily controlled by making some minor changes in daily lifestyle. Let us know what changes to make in your daily routine.

Daily exercise
Diabetes can be controlled by exercising regularly. You can improve insulin sensitivity by doing daily exercise. Exercising daily will not only reduce weight but also the blood sugar level will remain under control.

Low carbohydrate intake
Carbohydrate food affects your blood sugar level. Our body converts carbohydrate food into glucose, due to which the more carbohydrate we consume, the more blood sugar level is affected.

Fiber-rich food
Food rich in fiber helps in controlling blood sugar levels. The body is unable to absorb and break down fiber, due to which the blood sugar level of the body does not increase.

Drink more water
Water also helps in controlling the blood sugar level. Drinking enough water keeps the body hydrated, due to which the sugar present in the blood goes out of the body through urine. Blood sugar levels can be easily controlled by consuming a sufficient amount of water daily.

The right time to eat
If you want to control your blood sugar level, then set the time of eating and drinking. Have breakfast before 9 a.m., lunch before 1-2 p.m., and dinner before 8 p.m. You can control your blood sugar level by eating at the right time.