Diabetes is a condition in which you have too much glucose (sugar) in your blood. Glucose is an important energy source for your body, but if its levels become too high it can cause health problems, including heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, nerve damage, etc.

Diabetes is a serious disease, once it occurs it can never be cured, rather it has to be kept under control throughout life. At present, there is no cure for diabetes, but it can be kept under control with medicine, diet, and exercise. Dry fruits are considered powerful in controlling diabetes. Professor Dr. SK Gautam of Kanpur-based GSVM Medical College and his team have clarified in their research that regular consumption of just 28 grams of dry fruits can prove helpful in preventing dangerous levels of diabetes.

According to a news published in Hindustan newspaper, the results of research conducted on pre-diabetic and diabetic patients were also surprising. The research included four patients aged between 40 to 60 years. These included 200 pre-diabetic and 200 diabetic patients, who were taking medicines regularly.

Expert appreciated
Dr. SK Gautam presented the research at the 79th annual conference of the Association of Physicians of India held from 20 to 25 February in Delhi. The results of research conducted by 15,000 physicians from different states were said to be important for diabetes patients. There were also 200 patients in the study who were suffering from diabetes. He has also been taking medicine to control sugar for a long time. Fixed diet of dry fruits was given regularly in the morning. Earlier his sugar level was between 180 to 250, whereas with regular consumption of dry fruits his sugar level reached below 180.

This diet was given with 6 almonds
In the research, almonds, pistachios, peanuts, walnuts, and cashews were given regularly in the morning breakfast. Its quantity was also decided. Six unpeeled almonds, three pistachios, two walnuts, six peanuts, and cashews were given. Apart from omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and fiber, unsaturated fats are also abundant in them.

The sugar level of pre-diabetic patients came below 110
200 people involved in sugar research were pre-diabetic. He was standing on the threshold of becoming a diabetes patient. Before giving dry fruits regularly, his sugar level remained between 110 to 126. After consuming dry fruits, his sugar level reached below 110. Apart from this, along with the feeling of hunger, the digestive system was also said to be better than before.
​(PC: Freepik)