It is very important to have a healthy diet for a healthy body. At the same time, if you are eating food and do not eat it properly then it can cause harm to your body instead of benefit. There are many things that you cook and eat, but do you know that cooking and eating some things can harm your health? Therefore, you need to know which things should not be cooked and eaten.

Do not make the mistake of eating these things after cooking them-
Red Capsicum-

Red capsicum is very beneficial for health, but do you know that if you cook and eat red capsicum, its nutritional elements die and it does not provide any benefit to your body? Therefore, red capsicum should never be cooked and eaten.

Dry fruits-
If you eat dry fruits after cooking them, their nutritional elements get destroyed. Therefore, do not eat cooked dry fruits. This is because eating dry fruits after cooking them not only destroys their nutritious elements but consuming them can also make you a victim of obesity.

Broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable but if you cook it and eat it, its nutritional elements get destroyed. Therefore, broccoli should never be cooked and eaten. If you want, you can steam it and eat it.

Olive oil-
Olive oil should never be cooked and consumed. This is because by cooking it and eating it, its nutritional elements are destroyed and it also causes harm instead of benefit. Therefore, olive oil should not be cooked and consumed.

Cucumbers should always be consumed raw. This is because eating cooked cucumber can cause harm. Therefore, always consume cucumber raw.

(PC: Freepik)