Smudges and dirt on the smartphone camera lens result in blurry and not-so-clear photos and videos. Many times we clean the lens of our phone room but even after that clear and detailed image does not come.

Whether going to a wedding function or taking a selfie, smartphones have made their place everywhere. You can clean your lens for clear and detailed images. Come, we are going to tell you some such tips, with the help of which you can clean the lens of your phone.

Use a soft microfibre cloth
Use a clean and dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe the lens in one motion. Avoid using tissues or paper towels, as these can scratch the lenses. If the lens is heavily soiled, you can dampen the cloth with some water. When cleaning the lens, be careful not to leave fingerprints on the lens.

Use a good lens cleaner
If your lens is still dirty after using the microfiber cloth, you can use a lens cleaner designed for camera lenses. Apply a small amount of the solution to a microfiber cloth, and gently wipe the lens in a circular motion with your hand. Keep in mind that the lens cleaner you are using should be good.

Use lens cleaning pen
The Lens Cleaning Pen is a handy tool made for cleaning camera lenses. It has a retractable brush at one end to remove dust and debris. Use a brush to remove any dust or debris, and then use a cleaning pad to gently wipe the lens in a circular motion.

Avoid using household cleaners
Many times we start cleaning the display of the smartphone with any cleaner available in our house. These can damage and deteriorate the coating of the lens. Therefore, while cleaning the lens, keep your full attention on the lens, and do not clean the lens of the phone with any liquid used at home.

Use phone case
Using a safe phone case can help prevent dust and debris from getting into your camera lens. Choose a cover with a cutout for the camera lens. These covers help protect your lenses from scratches.
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