Home Remedies to Remove Dampness in Rain: With the onset of monsoon, the problem of dampness and dampness in homes increases a lot. These days there is very less sunlight, due to which even the clothes do not dry properly. On the other hand, due to dampness inside the house, the atmosphere becomes full of stench and irritability. Such an environment spreads negativity, due to which all the people living there are affected. Today we are going to tell you some home remedies to avoid dampness, by adopting which you can keep your house away from moisture on these rainy days.

Do these measures to avoid dampness

Put a cup of coffee in the cupboard

On these rainy days, due to dampness and moisture, moisture remains in the clothes. Due to this, the clothes do not dry properly and they start smelling. To avoid this, keep coffee in a small bowl in the clothes cupboard. It is said that by doing this, the stench gradually reduces.

The problem of bad smell also increases due to dampness in the bedroom during monsoon. To avoid this, light the camphor in a lamp and keep it in your bedroom for some time. The smell of camphor slowly removes both the bad smell and negative energy from the room. For this, the use of Bhimseni camphor is more beneficial.

Remove the smell of dark rooms like this

The problem of dampness and moisture increases when there is an obstruction in the drainage of rainwater on the roof. For this, mix hydrogen peroxide in a bucket of water and spray it in dark rooms and corners of the house. With this remedy, the dampness and bad smell of dark rooms go away.

To get rid of the strange smell caused by dampness, make a solution by mixing baking soda and vinegar. After this, fill that solution in a bottle and sprinkle it in damp places. By doing this in a while, that smell will go away.

Homemade natural freshener

To avoid the dampness of rain, mix lemongrass and lavender oil in rose water and water and fill it in a bottle. This type of water acts as a natural freshener. This type of water spray plays an important role in getting rid of dampness.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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