Generally, we first resort to desi jugaad for every problem, but sometimes these desi jugaads turn out to be very expensive and we suffer huge losses. Now Apple has advised its iPhone users to stay away from these desi jugaads. Apple has said that do not make the mistake of keeping the phone in rice.

According to the information given on Apple's support page, the iPhone should not be kept in a bag of rice or rice. Apple has also told you what you should do if your phone gets wet with water.

What to do if the iPhone gets wet in water?
Apple has said that if water gets into your iPhone, then keep the charging port facing downwards i.e. keep the phone straight. After this, keep the phone in a place where the wind is blowing well and charge the phone after about 30 minutes. Water will drain from the phone after about 24 hours. If water remains in the phone, users will also get a liquid detection alert.

Do not charge your phone if it is wet.
If your phone gets wet immediately, do not charge it. If you charge the phone during this time, you will get an alert of liquid detection. Apple has also advised not to use a hair dryer or other dryer to dry the phone. According to Apple, the charging port should not be cleaned even with a cotton swab.

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