No matter what the season is, we have to take care of our skin in every situation, but some people apply chemical-based products on the face, which can cause harm instead of benefit. Many times there were complaints of rashes, dark spots, or allergies on the face. Natural nutrition is always better for the face. For this, instead of going to the market, you can use the things kept in the kitchen itself. Cinnamon is a spice in which cinnamaldehyde is found, which determines the color of cinnamon and its aroma. Cinnamaldehyde is also an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for the skin which brings glow to the skin. Let us know how to use this spice.

Use cinnamon like this for skin
1. Cinnamon and Olive Oil

To enhance the beauty of your face, mix cinnamon powder and olive oil in a bowl and then apply it to your face. Massage with light hands, by doing this the skin will get moisture and blood flow will increase. If your skin is dry then it will be beneficial.

2. Cinnamon and Honey
Cinnamon has antifungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties which can take good care of facial skin. It helps in getting rid of many skin problems. This improves blood flow. Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder and 2 teaspoons, honey, in a bowl and apply it on the face in a circular motion and then leave it for half an hour. Finally, clean the face with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer. This will clear the stains.

3. Cinnamon and Coconut Oil
A face pack of cinnamon and coconut oil also helps in relieving skin itching. This will nourish the skin and remove dryness. Mix a few drops of coconut oil in cinnamon powder apply it on the face for 15 minutes and wash it.

4. Cinnamon and Yogurt
Like cinnamon, curd is also beneficial for the skin. Mix one spoon of cinnamon powder and an equal amount of curd and add a little honey. Apply this face pack on the face and leave it for about 20 minutes. Then wash it with clean water. This method will even out your skin tone.

5. Cinnamon and Banana
You can use cinnamon and banana masks for facial beauty. Mash a banana well and then add one spoon of cinnamon powder to it. Apply this paste on the face and massage for about 5 minutes. After drying for some time, clean the face with lukewarm water. This will bring an amazing glow to your face.

(PC: Freepik)