Children's Dental Care: Many parents do not understand whether or not they should go to the doctor for dental problems in young children. The elders of the house recommend home remedies to fix minor dental problems. But sometimes these remedies are not completely effective, which can cause different types of damage to the teeth.

Small children are often given chocolates or other sweet things to eat by the family members in a pampering affair. But by eating such things continuously or excessively, the milk teeth of children start rotting. They get cavities. When there is a problem of multiple cavities, filling has to be done in them. When the cavity becomes deep, there may also be a need to get a root canal done. If the treatment is not done at the right time, the teeth get spoiled. So do not ignore any problem in children's teeth. Take care of their teeth like this.

For newborns
When it's time for your baby's teeth to come out, clean their gums twice a day with a clean cloth.

Take your child to the dentist after the first tooth erupts.

For children under 2 years
Use fluoride-free toothpaste to brush your child's teeth.

Give your baby a little water to drink after each feed.

For children over two years old
Avoid putting the baby to sleep while bottle-feeding, as this can damage the baby's teeth.

Sipper cups (with straw or hard spout) should be used instead of bottles for children. This will help prevent liquid from building up around the baby's tooth.

When your child is about two years old, start teaching him to spit. After he learns to chew, use 1,000 ppm fluoride toothpaste.

Take your child to the dentist regularly after every three months.

Avoid giving your child sweet liquids like juice, as these stick to their teeth for several hours, which can damage the enamel. Enamel acts as a protection against tooth decay or wear and tear. This can lead to the problem of 'bottle mouth' or 'baby bottle tooth decay'. Because of this, the front teeth can become discolored, crooked, or dirty. Crooked or abnormal teeth can lead to cavities, which may even require tooth extraction.

keep these things in mind
1. Make your child brush twice a day – after breakfast and before going to bed at night. The time between breakfast and lunch is very important. No food should stick in the child's mouth for 4-5 hours, as it damages the teeth.

2. Mouthwash and/or lukewarm water rinse can be done after meals.

3. Brush them for 1-2 minutes.

4. Inculcate the habit of making the child gargle after taking food or any sweet drink or sweets.

5. Include fiber-rich foods like cucumber, celery, and carrots in your child's diet as these help in keeping their teeth strong.

6. Never ignore the problem of teeth in children, and take measures to prevent it as soon as possible.
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