PC: Navbharat Times

Vastu Shastra plays an important role in today's world in providing positive energy and solving problems in our lives. Plants to be planted in the house have also been especially talked about in Vastu Shastra. If these Vastu tips are followed then positivity comes. We are going to tell you about those plants which you should plant in your home.

Money Plant:

In Vastu Shastra, the money plant is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that keeping this plant in your home attracts financial prosperity and positive energy.


Tulsi is revered in the Hindu religion and is considered to be the form of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping Tulsi in the north or east direction of your house brings financial prosperity and positivity.

PC: Hindustan

Doob grass:

In Vastu Shastra, Doob grass is considered a symbol of wealth. It is believed that planting daub grass in your courtyard or balcony increases financial prosperity and positive energy.


Kaner is also related to Goddess Lakshmi. It is said that the fragrance of Kaner flowers removes negative energy and invites positive energy into your home.

PC: MagicBricks

Jade Plant:

The Jade plant is also considered a symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. It is believed that keeping a Jade plant in your home promotes positive energy and brings happiness and prosperity.