Nowadays people use internet banking a lot because it makes many things easy to do without going to the bank. Whether you want to send money to someone, check bank account information, check balance, apply for a credit-debit card, etc. You can do almost many things from your mobile without going to the bank, but if you use internet banking then you have to take care of some things because if you do not do this then cyber thugs can even break into your bank account i.e. they can cheat you. Therefore it becomes important that while using Internet banking you should take special care of some things. So let's know what these things are. You can know about this in the next slides...

People using net banking should keep these things in mind:-
Number 1

It is usually seen that people log in to their net banking in their office computer or even in a public computer, but never do this because hackers attack such systems first and this can lead to a breach in your bank account.

Number 2
If you receive any kind of unknown email or spam email, then never click on such email even by mistake. These emails are fake and they can also contain viruses or any code that can hack your system. In such a case, your internet banking can be hacked.

Number 3
If you receive any such call in which you are asked for your internet banking ID-password or you are sent a link on which you are asked to click, then never do this. These people are fake and cheat you.

Number 4
If you also use net banking, then you should keep changing your password. Net banking passwords should be changed after a certain time or after a few months. Also, keep in mind that you should create your password by combining numbers, letters, and special characters.