Cancer is a deadly disease and if someone becomes a victim of it, then he starts seeing himself dying after coming to know. Cancer cases are increasing rapidly in India because most people come to know about their suffering from it for a long time. The patient coming in the fourth stage can live only for one or one and a half years even if he wants to. There can be many reasons for this, which there can be family history or wrong eating. Many types of research have come out on cancer, in which it has been said that by making some lifestyle changes, its risk can be reduced. To reduce the risk of cancer, apply these healthy things in your life from today itself.

Healthy diet
By taking care of diet, not only cancer but also the risk of many other diseases can be reduced. Experts believe that it is best to follow the routine of green vegetables, seasonal food and keeping the body hydrated with water. One of the major reasons for cancer is eating things in the wrong way. If you do not want to put life in the grip of an incurable disease like cancer, then start taking a healthy diet now.

Physical activity
Along with being healthy, one should also be fit and for this one should exercise or exercise regularly. The risk of many types of cancer can be reduced by exercising. At least 30 minutes of workout must be done daily. If you are not able to do exercise or work out then you should do exercise.

Stay away from tobacco
The cases of cancer caused by tobacco are more common in India. Here things made of tobacco are easily available at cheap prices. Its addiction can even kill you. If you want to avoid cancer, then keep yourself away from tobacco. Those who are addicted to it try to reduce it gradually from their life.

Alcohol also causes cancer
Most people think that alcohol only damages organs like the kidney or liver. While very few know that even a drop of alcohol can cause cancer risk on our body. If you want to avoid this deadly disease, then reduce or do not consume alcohol.