It is not easy to keep food and drink in the kitchen, because we have to protect it from insects, rats, lizards, or cockroaches, otherwise, we can become victims of many diseases. Semolina is such a food that we use to make halwa, upma, or idli, it is very beneficial for health, but many times insects start appearing in it, due to which semolina spoils and then eating it is not free from danger. But now there is no need to worry because today we will tell you some such tips, with the help of which you will not only be able to remove insects from semolina but also will not allow them to wander around.

Use these things to get rid of insects from semolina
1. Sunlight

Insects do not thrive in the hot sun and run away from the heat, this is an age-old and tried method to get rid of insects. Keep showing the food items including semolina to sunlight from time to time, which reduces the risk of insects.

2. Neem Leaves
We are all aware of the medicinal properties of neem, it is also called the enemy of insects. If you use it, you can keep semolina safe. For this, always keep some neem leaves in the swollen box, because of this insects will not come around.

3. Camphor
Using camphor does not cause insects in the box of semolina. If the smell of camphor is strong then these insects do not like it. To use it, sieve the semolina well and then put camphor in it. If there are insects, they will die and then new insects will not start.

(PC: Freepik)