At this time, the heat has increased a lot across the country. People are adopting many measures to get relief from the scorching heat. The heat has increased so much that people are not getting a peaceful sleep even with fans and coolers. Due to this, many people are buying and installing new ACs in their homes. You should know that the temperature of your room directly affects your sleep. If there is a lot of heat around you, in such a situation it becomes very difficult to sleep. For this reason, if you are using AC to avoid the heat, then this news is especially for you. Today through this news we are going to tell you about what should be the temperature of AC while sleeping at night? Let's know about it in detail -

According to experts, the ideal temperature of AC while sleeping at night is 20 degrees Celsius. Sleep is good at this temperature. If you reduce the temperature below 20 degrees, then your health can be affected due to excessive cold.

On the other hand, 24 degrees Celsius is the right temperature of AC for the elderly. Elderly people feel more cold than adults. Due to this, their health can be affected at temperatures below 24 degrees. The temperature of the room becomes much colder by the morning due to AC. For this reason, you should set the temperature of the AC according to the room in advance.

If you sleep in AC during summer, then you can avoid diseases like dehydration, heat stroke, fatigue, etc. Sleeping in AC has as many disadvantages as it has advantages. If your AC is dirty, then the risk of dust, bacteria, germs, fungus, etc. increases significantly.

When you run the AC, these can enter the body through our breath. Due to this, you can become a victim of allergies, bacteria, etc. For this reason, it is very important to keep the AC filter cleaned from time to time. Not only this, you should also keep paying attention to the maintenance of your AC unit at a fixed time.