Due to the modern lifestyle, weight gain is one of the biggest health problems at present. Due to this many serious diseases are occurring. In such a situation, people adopt many tricks to stay fit. Some sweat for hours in the gym while others follow a strict diet plan. Some people do not have time for all this. If you are also among those people, then we are telling you the easiest way to lose weight. For this, you will not need to go to the gym.

What is brisk walking?

You can take the help of brisk walking for weight loss. This is a very simple walk which anyone can do easily. Let us tell you that this is different from normal walking. In this, you neither have to walk very fast nor very slow, that is, the posture which is between runnings and walking is called brisk walk. If you do a brisk walk for half an hour every day, you can burn a good amount of calories. When you walk, your entire body gets exercise. This can also bring down your weight.

Some important things related to brisk walking

  • To do brisk walking, gradually get used to it, and gradually increase both the speed and time of walking.
  • You can choose the place of your choice for a brisk walk so that you do not feel bored.

  • While taking a brisk walk, wear headphones and listen to your favourite songs, this will help you to walk for a long time without getting bored.
  • You can take a brisk walk with friends or with a group. You will cover a long distance while talking like this and you won't even realize it.
  • A brisk walk is the best cardio exercise; it also keeps heart health good.
  • A brisk walk also improves your mood. Gets relief from stress and anxiety.

Image Credit- Freepik


Your skin and body are as unique as you are. We endeavour to bring you accurate, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip, you must consult your doctor.