Often people fear heart attack when they have chest pain. But sometimes this pain can also be due to heartburn. There is chest pain in both situations, which confuses people. Dr. Rajeev Jayadevan, a gastroenterologist from Kochi and research cell chairman of IMA-Kerala, has told easy ways to understand the difference between heart attack and heartburn.

According to Dr. Rajeev, heartburn occurs when the acid from the stomach comes back into the food pipe. This causes a burning sensation in the chest. On the other hand, a heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is obstructed. This damages the heart muscles.

Symptoms of heartburn
* Burning sensation in the chest
* Sour belching
* Difficulty swallowing
* Food regurgitation

Symptoms of heart attack
* Severe chest pain
* Sweating
* Vomiting
* Difficulty breathing
* Dizziness or fainting

How to differentiate between heart attack and heartburn?

* Heartburn usually occurs after eating and increases when lying down.

* The pain of a heart attack is more intense and is often accompanied by sweating and vomiting.

* The pain of a heart attack may increase with exercise and decrease with rest.

* The pain of a heart attack may spread to the neck, shoulder, or hands.

Can heartburn be a sign of a heart problem?

If you are aging, heartburn can be a sign of a heart problem. Heartburn can be avoided by changing lifestyle. Avoid irregular eating habits, fried foods, coffee, and alcohol, keep your weight under control and eat a balanced diet.

When to contact a doctor?

If you experience severe chest pain that worsens with exercise and subsides with rest, contact your doctor immediately. This could be a sign of a heart attack.

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