It is often said, 'mother's milk is the best food for the child', that is why every doctor insists on breastfeeding the baby. Mother's milk contains all those nutrients which are necessary for the development of the child. For the first 6 months after birth, the child depends only on milk for nutrition. But do you know why breastfeeding is so important, it is beneficial not only for the child but also for the mother. Let us know why the baby should be breastfed.

A child who is breastfed right from birth reduces the risk of infection in his body, due to which ear and respiratory diseases do not occur. Apart from this, there is also protection from diabetes, allergies, asthma, and eczema.

Due to breastfeeding, there is overall body development of the newborn, usually, the weight of the baby at birth is very less, if after this the habit of breastfeeding is made, then the weight can be increased.

If the baby is breastfed regularly, then his brain develops properly. It has been proved in many kinds of research that babies who are breastfed in childhood are of a sharp mind.

Every woman must breastfeed her baby after becoming a mother because it is beneficial for the mother. Due to this, the risk of Uterine Cancer in mothers is reduced, as well as their weight is also maintained.