Thick and long hair adds to the beauty, but often due to bad lifestyle, exposure to dust and pollution, the hair becomes lifeless and dry. Hairfall increases so much that the hair appears completely thin. Women use so many hair care products to make their hair beautiful and thick, but it does not make even an iota of difference. In such a situation, you need to pay more attention to your health than your products. Dietician Priyanka Jaiswal says that sometimes women who are deficient in iron experience the problem of hair loss. Due to iron deficiency, the body becomes a victim of low haemoglobin. If blood circulation is affected, it also affects the hair. In such a situation, experts are advising to eat some seeds which will maintain iron in the body and stop hair fall.

These seeds can stop hair fall

Experts recommend eating fenugreek seeds. It contains iron, zinc and protein. Fenugreek seeds remove anaemia from the body. The iron present in it helps increase blood. To overcome iron deficiency, experts also recommend including pumpkin seeds in the diet. It also contains iron and vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts collagen which helps in improving hair growth.

How to consume fenugreek and pumpkin seeds?

  • Wash fenugreek seeds thoroughly and soak them in a bowl.
  • After waking up in the morning, chew it eat it and drink water.
  • Iron deficiency will be cured by its consumption and blood circulation will be better.
  • You can roast and eat pumpkin seeds.
  • You can eat its seeds with salad
  • You can eat it by making powder in juice or shake or by putting it on pudding.

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