Many people like to see and feel nature very closely. In such a situation, they want to enjoy jungle safari. While doing jungle safari, you can see many unique animals very closely and learn about them. This can be a very memorable experience.

Often we all like to travel to different corners of the world. However, during this time, if you want, you can also enjoy some great jungle safaris. So, today in this article we are telling you about some such places present all over the world, where you can enjoy a jungle safari and make your trip very memorable. So let's know about these places-

Serengeti National Park

Serengeti National Park located in Africa is considered one of the best jungle safari destinations in the world. It is a UNESCO-listed national park located in northern Tanzania. Here you will get the opportunity to see many plants and animals. If you are a wildlife lover and have gone to Africa, then you should enjoy the jungle safari here. You may get a chance to see giraffes, zebras, hyenas, cheetahs and the rare African wild dog etc. in the park.

Ranthambore National Park

When it comes to enjoying the best jungle safari in the world, how can one miss Ranthambore National Park located in Rajasthan, India? It is considered one of the largest national parks in India. Located in SawaiMadhopur district of Rajasthan, this park is mainly famous for the Bengal Tiger. This park is named after the historical Ranthambore Fort, which is present inside the park.

Maasai Mara National Reserve

People fond of jungle safari must visit Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya once. Here you will get the opportunity to see many extraordinary wild animals. Coming to see everything from giraffes to hippos and crocodiles will be a different experience. There will also be more than two million wildebeest, zebra and gazelle that flock here during migration. Apart from its wildlife, Maasai Mara is also famous for its rich culture.

Kruger National Park

If you want to see wildlife closely, then visiting South Africa will be very good for you. The Kruger National Park present here provides you with an opportunity to see the magnificent wildlife. This park is also known for bird watching during the rainy season. While doing safari you can see lions, leopards, African elephants, rhinoceros, black mamba cape buffalo etc.

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