In most parts of the country, if someone is called Satyanashi, it means a person who spoils the work. A person who is of no use, who spoils every work i.e. who has no benefit, such a person is called Satyanashi. But there is also a plant that grows anywhere on any kind of land and its name is Satyanashi plant. You may have often seen Satyanashi plants on the roadside, in hard barren land, on rocky places, in places with strong sunlight, or everywhere where sunlight does not reach.

Generally, people are attracted by seeing its yellow flowers. But, if you are asked whether the Satyanashi plant has any benefits then you will definitely answer in the negative. Most people are unaware of the health benefits of this plant. Usually, people ignore this green plant with thorny leaves amidst the wild bushes. You must have seen this plant on the roadside, in parks, or in bare lands. Let us tell you that this thorny plant is very beneficial for health. We are telling you about the big benefits of this beautiful flowering plant.

Satyanashi plant has many medicinal properties. This plant grows mostly in the Himalayan regions. This plant has a lot of thorns. There are thorns everywhere on its leaves, branches, stems, and flowers. Its flowers bloom in yellow color, inside which purple colored seeds are found. Generally, when flowers and fruits of a plant are plucked, a white milk-like liquid comes out, but when flowers of the Satyanashi plant are plucked, a yellow milk-like liquid comes out. Due to the release of a yellow-colored milk-like substance, it is also called Swarnakshir.

Apart from Swarnakshir, the Satyanashi plant is known by many names including Ujar Kanta, Prickly Poppy, Katuparni, and Maxine Poppy. Generally, farmers consider it a useless plant and cut it down and throw it away. At the same time, in Ayurveda, medicines are made using it as a medicine, which cures many diseases. Every part of the Satyanashi plant i.e. leaves, flowers, stem, roots, and bark are considered very useful in Ayurveda.

According to experts, if the root of the Satyanashi plant is boiled in water and drunk as a decoction, it can be beneficial for people who complain of difficulty in breathing or frequent cough. At the same time, if someone complains of stomach ache, then drinking Satyanashi's yellow milk mixed with ghee can provide a lot of relief. Jaundice patients can get benefit by drinking Giloy juice mixed with Satyanashi oil. However, it would be better to consult a doctor before consuming parts of the Satyanashi plant in any form.

Satyanashi plant can be planted in a pot. If you are fond of planting cactus plants at home, then the Satyanashi plant also looks very beautiful. Its yellow flower attracts everyone. You can plant seeds or small saplings of Satyanashi plant in a pot. This plant does not require any special care. After planting the plants, watering should be done two to three times a day. You can keep the Satyanashi plant anywhere in the sun or shade.