The most delicious way to keep the body dehydrated in summer is to include fruits in the diet which have high water content. Now in such a situation, it is not possible that there is no mention of watermelon. Watermelon contains up to 96 percent water.

But this fruit can also harm health if you do not buy the right watermelon from the market. This is because the trend of chemically ripened watermelons has increased a lot in the market, by eating you can become a victim of food poisoning. Therefore, today we are telling you some simple methods with the help of which you can easily identify A quality watermelon.

From the color of the watermelon, it can be known to a great extent whether it will be sweet or not. In such a situation, whenever you go to the market to buy watermelon, look carefully at the color of the watermelon. If the color is dark and natural then it is proof of its ripeness.

There is no one size of watermelon. But while buying it, you must ensure that it is in its original shape. It should not be flattened or torn at any place.

Watermelon contains 96 percent water, but this much water can be filled in only when it is completely ripe. In such a situation, while taking a watermelon, hold it in your hands and weigh it. If it is heavier than its size then it means that it is cooked well.

Naturally ripe watermelon has yellow marks in some places. In such a situation, to avoid watermelon ripe with chemicals, check for such marks only.

You can find out when a watermelon is ripe by tapping it. Therefore, whenever you buy watermelon, pat it lightly from all sides with your palms. If the sound of hollowness i.e. 'Bhadbhad' comes then understand that the watermelon is completely ripe.

(PC: Freepik)