Beetroot is a super food, and including it in the diet provides a lot of benefits. People often like to eat beetroot during the winter season. Not only does it maintain blood pressure, it also boosts immunity. Apart from this, anaemia also goes away. Overall, it has countless benefits, but people suffering from some health problems should not drink beetroot juice at all. Let us know which people may be harmed by drinking beetroot juice. Health expert Priyanka Jaiswal is giving information about this.

Which people should avoid beetroot juice?

  • People who have kidney disease, have a history of stones or have stones should not drink beetroot juice. Because a compound called oxalate is found in it, which can make the problem of kidney stones even worse.
  • If you are already suffering from the problem of low BP then you should avoid beetroot juice. Beetroot has a high amount of nitrate which is good for people with high blood pressure. But if your BP is already low then it can cause problems like fainting, dizziness and vomiting.

  • Diabetes patients should not drink beetroot juice without a doctor's advice. Beetroot has a high glycemic index, hence people with high blood sugar should avoid consuming it.
  • Even if you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, you should avoid beetroot juice, because it contains nitrate and consuming it in excess can cause stomach cramps.
  • If you are suffering from a liver problem or you have a skin allergy problem, in these cases also you should avoid drinking beetroot juice. Or should be consumed only on the doctor's advice?

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