Everyone always likes to be fit and healthy while losing weight. But for this only attention should be paid to obesity, it is not right. To have an attractive and strong body, you must make your legs strong as well. If your legs are strong, then you can easily cover the distance of miles. Wherein the right shape of the feet makes your body attractive. For this, you need to include some leg exercises in your workout. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such leg exercises, for which you will not need any kind of equipment or even go to the gym. So let's know about these leg exercises...

Jump scouts
This is a very simple and easy exercise but it is very beneficial for our legs. However, we have to do this exercise a little faster. This is a functional cardio exercise. By doing this, the shape of the legs becomes very good. Also, by doing this exercise daily, the shape of the hips is good and there is a difference in the glutes. This also makes the core tight. To do this we have to jump first. Then scouts have to be done. We have to do the same continuously.

Wall squat
It is clear from the name itself that this exercise is done with the help of a wall. You have to follow it like a normal squat, just stick the back of the body to the wall. This exercise can be done by both men and women. Wall squats help in strengthening the entire body apart from the legs. If you are starting this exercise, then apply 10 -15 sets of it.

Open to close jump squats
Open to close jump squats to ground techniques This exercise is great for toning the legs. For this, we have to touch the ground. Jump squats exercises are generally used to reduce cellulite. While doing this, we also do functional training and cardio, hence it is called functional cardio. In this, we do both squats and jumps. This makes a difference to our cellulite and our legs are toned. To do this, you have to do two squats simultaneously. Once by joining the feet, then jump and open the feet and do squats. While doing this you have to touch the ground. You have to do this continuously.