Everyone wants spotless and glowing skin, for which you have to work a little hard. But with aging, many problems related to the skin arise, especially fine lines and wrinkles on the skin make you look old. If you think that glowing or anti aging effect can be brought on the face with the help of expensive treatments by going to the parlour, then you are wrong. For this you need to give natural glow to the skin. You can also fulfill the desire of a spotless face through oil massage. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such oils which will start showing their effect in a week like medicine. Let's know about them...

Avocado oil
Being rich in anti-aging properties, this oil is equally useful for women with dry skin, as it is for women with oily skin. As soon as you apply it on your skin, it reaches the inner layer of your skin and starts repairing the damaged skin cells. This oil acts like an overnight mask on your skin. Also, it quickly frees your skin from problems like glowing and aging.

Coconut oil
There is coconut oil in every household, but do you know that it is not only for eating or applying in hair, but it is also used to remove skin spots, discoloration, remove tanning and remove pimples. If camphor mixed with coconut oil is applied, it will remove acne and pimples. To remove tanning, wrinkles and freckles, massage with lemon juice mixed in it. If you want, you can apply coconut oil on the face too. Coconut oil is much more effective than your expensive night cream. Just mix vitamin E in this oil and massage it on your face at night.

Argan oil
Argan oil is counted as one of the best anti-aging oils. This oil is rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Therefore, by applying it on the skin, it can be kept young for a long time. To apply it on the skin, add one or two drops of argan oil to your moisturizer. Apart from this, you should include it in your makeup foundation or apply it as a serum before sleeping at night.