Photo Credit: be beautiful

It is very difficult to make makeup in the summer season and keep it for a long time, because in this season, due to the heat and then humidity, the makeup gets spoiled in a short time, in such a situation, most women do makeup daily to look beautiful. Is. Due to makeup in the summer season, one has to face problems somewhere. Due to weather, patches appear on the face. Well, excellent makeup can be done in this season also. For this only you need to take special care of some things. Let us tell you through this article, what are the things you should take special care of in summer to keep the makeup for a long time. Let us know in detail -

Photo Credit: Aaj Tak

* Prepare the skin:

It is very important to take care of the skin in the summer season, because if there is a problem with pimples on the face, then even after applying makeup, your look may look bad, tell you that in this season, ignore the greasy moisture and apply vitamin serum or Keep your skin hydrated by using other ingredients.

* Use lightweight products:

While doing makeup in the summer season, keep in mind that always use lightweight products in this season. In the summer season, heavy creams or powders melt easily due to which patches start appearing on the face. In this season you should use only oil-free or water-based lightweight foundation.

Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

* Waterproof makeup is the best option:

Sweating is the main reason for the deterioration of makeup in the summer season, so always use waterproof makeup. Always opt for waterproof mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick in the summer season. With these, you will stay away from the problems related to makeup and will be able to make your look more beautiful.

* Use neon eyeliner:

Let me tell you that if you use black eyeliner, then change it in the summer season. You start using neon eyeliner instead of bold. Minty green or sky blue eyeliner stays put in summer and this formula gives a stunning look.