The problem of PCOD is being seen a lot in the last few years. In today's time, almost every other woman is troubled by this problem. PCOD means polycystic ovary disease, due to which both periods and fertility of women are affected. In PCOD, small cysts are formed in the ovaries of women. Because of these lumps, hormonal imbalance in the body also starts increasing. Irregular period cycle, excessive pain during periods, feeling weak, weight gain, and unwanted hair growth in the body, all can be symptoms of PCOD.

Stress, changes in lifestyle and wrong eating habits are considered to be the cause of PCOD. Women may not have the right information about the symptoms of PCOD and what should be done to cure it, due to which many times this problem can remain for life. Some women try self-medication for PCOD, which should not be done at all. This may make your symptoms worse. Some Ayurvedic tips should be followed to cure PCOD. Ayurvedic doctor NeetikaKohli is giving information about this.

Ayurvedic tips to reduce PCOD symptoms

  • According to experts, nowadays people have become very aware of the change in their lifestyle, but only changes in diet cannot give you relief in PCOD.
  • To reduce the symptoms of PCOD, it is important to pay attention to the sleep cycle. Sleep is very important for our health. Lack of sleep also affects hormones.
  • According to Ayurveda, sleep is considered one of the three pillars of health.
  • The amount of sleep you need also depends on the nature of your body.
  • Ayurveda decides your lifestyle based on whether your body is of Vata, Pitta or Kapha nature.

  • According to Ayurveda, for the treatment of PCOD, you must take information about the nature of your body from an Ayurvedic expert.
  • Also, don't do self-medication. Take the medicine as per the advice of the doctor. Medication is also necessary along with lifestyle changes to overcome PCOD disorder.
  • Apart from this, according to Ayurveda, you must donate blood once in 6 months for treatment. With this, you will be able to remove the toxins that are being made in your body.
  • Your body's heat i.e. the bile which controls the hormones remains balanced to a great extent.

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