Obesity has become a big problem in today's time. Due to obesity, there is also a risk of many diseases. In such a situation, keeping weight under control has become a big challenge. In today's time, most people are trying to lose weight. The most difficult part of losing weight comes in reducing belly fat. The stubborn fat deposited around the abdomen is not easily reduced. To reduce it, more effort may have to be made. In such a situation, this easy hack can help you.

Celebrity nutritionist MunmunGaneriwal has shared information about this. Munmun has been giving information about weight loss through Ayurvedic methods of weight loss for a long time. She has also adopted this Ayurvedic hack to reduce belly fat with many celebrities.

Reasons for accumulation of belly fat

There can be many reasons for belly fat. Belly fat can also accumulate due to improper hormonal levels in the body, bloating around the belly due to digestive problems, or drinking too much alcohol. At the same time, due to stress, fat gets deposited in the lower abdomen. One of the major reasons behind belly fat is insulin resistance. Because of this, glucose is not absorbed properly in our cells and fat gets stored in the body after that. Fastest it accumulates around the fat belly and it also takes the most time to recover.

Ayurvedic hack to remove belly fat

According to experts, you can adopt a very easy method to reduce belly fat. For this, you only need 10 minutes. According to Ayurveda, it is forbidden to sit, take a nap or sleep immediately after eating. Instead, you should walk for about 10 minutes after every mile. Modern science also agrees with this thing mentioned in Ayurveda. You should walk for 10 minutes after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Here we are talking about normal walking, not brisk walking, so you can do it anywhere. This can lower insulin levels and blood sugar levels. By reducing insulin resistance, when insulin sensitivity increases, fat burning is accelerated. Especially, the stubborn fat deposited around the abdomen is quickly reduced. So walk for 10 minutes after all three main meals.

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