With time we are becoming convenient, but it also has some disadvantages, which come before us in new forms from time to time. Be it WhatsApp-AI fraud or ATM scam. These days many people are becoming victims of scams. If you have an ATM card, what do you need to keep in mind? Let us understand in this article.

What is an ATM Scam?

Nowadays, when many people withdraw money from an ATM, their card gets stuck in the machine. After this, some people pretend to be bank employees and take all the details in the ATM. Along with this, nowadays all the information of the people is being obtained by installing card reader’s cameras etc. on ATMs. We know this as an ATM scam.

How to avoid ATM scam

1. Go to a secure ATM

Try to always choose ATMs located in well-lit and busy areas. ATMs located in deserted places are more prone to scams and theft. Also, keep in mind that there is a guard present at the ATM you are going to.

2. Check the ATM

Before withdrawing money from the machine, check the ATM card slot, keypad cash dispenser etc. If you find any problem in any part of the machine, do not withdraw money from there.

3. Be careful while entering the PIN

Before entering the PIN in the keypad, try to cover it in some way. This will prevent your PIN from being recorded behind you or in the camera.

4. Do not give ATM card information

Along with all these things, it is also important that you never give your card information to any other person. By doing this the risk will be reduced and scammers will fail to extract your details.

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