Summer Cooling Fruits: People try many ways to cool their bodies in the scorching heat. Food and drink are also included in these methods. You can also include fruits in the diet in many ways. These fruits will help in keeping you hydrated. These help protect you from heat stroke. These fruits are rich in water. Apart from being tasty, they are very healthy.

These will not only help you to save for summer but they will also bring many other benefits to your health. This is a very good way of giving adequate nutrition to the body. They also help in removing many health-related problems. Let us know which are these fruits.

Watermelon contains about 90 per cent water. It contains lycopene. Apart from this, it contains nutrients like Vitamin A, B6 and C. Watermelon also has antioxidant properties. These fruits are really very tasty. They work to beat the heat. A good way to get nutrients.

Bael juice is popularly drunk in summer. This fruit is rich in dietary fibre. Bael is very good for the digestive system. It works to remove the problem of constipation naturally.

Cantaloupe works to give adequate hydration to your body. This fruit is very sweet and juicy. It contains vitamins A, D and B6. Apart from this, it also contains iron, magnesium and dietary fibre. This helps in keeping you hydrated. It also removes constipation and digestion-related problems. Watermelon also contains vitamin C. It works to increase immunity.

You can also eat peaches in summer. Peaches contain vitamins A and C. It has antioxidant properties. It keeps the body cool. Eating it in summer gives many benefits to health. Apart from this, it also contains nutrients like potassium and riboflavin.