We use cotton buds from time to time to clean the earwax that accumulates in the ears. Due to many things like air, dust, and soil, ear wax gets collected in our ears. Cotton buds clean the ear, but it also has some side effects.

Dr Kiran MD, a skin expert dermatologist from Columbia University, has shared information about the subject by sharing a video on her Instagram account.

Should I clean my ears with cotton buds?

When we put cotton buds in the ear, it is like a trauma for us. Wax gets cleaned with cotton buds, but due to this, we can get cuts in our ears. Also, cotton buds are not safe for eardrums. This is the reason why cotton buds should not be used to clean the ears of anyone, from children to elders.

Use baby oil

You can use baby oil to clean ear wax. This lifts all the mail to the top and cleans off easily. All you have to do is clean the ear with the help of a clean cloth by putting 2-3 drops of oil in the ear.

Clean while taking a shower

If you clean the ear daily even while taking a bath, then you will not need to use anything else.

Consult a doctor

Apart from this, you can also get your ear cleaned by an ear doctor and get information about the right way to clean it.

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