The biggest problem of those who have power glasses on their eyes is that they always have to wear glasses. In today's era, people who use TV, computer, and mobile more, they also like to wear glasses. But because of these glasses, there are marks on the nose and eyes. It is very common to have dark circles around your eyes and marks on your nose if you wear spectacles every day. As soon as you take off the glasses, these marks destroy the beauty of your face which is not liked by anyone. In such a situation, today we have brought some such home remedies for you, with the help of which the face can be made beautiful by removing these marks. Let us know about these measures…

Aloe Vera
Cut the aloe vera leaf from the middle and make a paste of its pulp. Now apply its paste on the marks made on the nose and massage with light hands. Due to the moisturizing and anti-ageing properties found in aloe vera, it will make the marks on the nose disappear in a few days.

Orange juice
Orange juice contains vitamin C which is beneficial for removing skin spots. To use it, take orange juice or grind orange peel and apply it to the affected area. Leave it for fifteen minutes then wash it with lukewarm water.

A fresh cucumber is also effective in removing spectacles stains from nose and eyes. Cut the cucumber into thick slices, cool them in the fridge for a while and
Then take them out. Keep it on the spots for some time. Do this for a few days. You will definitely get benefit from this.